industrialization of rural area中文什么意思

发音:   用"industrialization of rural area"造句
  • industrialization:    n. 工业化。 intense in ...
  • rural:    adj. 乡下的,农村(风味)的 ( ...
  • area:    n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空 ...
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  1. Industrialization of rural area and the development of county domain economy
  2. Finally , some advice is put forward on the base of empirical analysis . 1 . expand rural enterprise and promote the industrialization of rural areas ; 2
    最后,在实证分析的基础上,提出了解决我国人口流动问题的对策建议: 1 、大力发展城镇企业,走乡村工业化之路; 2 、加大城市化推进力度。
  3. Finally thesis put forward to concrete ideas about baotou industrialization strategy mode under six respects , it ' s strategy of economy development , adjustment of economic structure , development of mading industry , informationization , industrialization of rural area as well as urbanization etc
  4. In the past two decades , the township enterprises have contributed greatly to the non - agriculturization of china , including the promotion of industrialization of rural areas , the transformation of economic structure of rural areas , the raise of the peasants " income , and the cultivation of a lot of entrepreneurs , managers , technologists and thousands of skilled workers


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  5. industrialization of research findings 什么意思
  6. industrialization of rural areas 什么意思
  7. industrialization of the country 什么意思
  8. industrialization plan 什么意思
  9. industrialization program 什么意思
  10. industrialize 什么意思


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